Monthly Archives: May 2017

colorado, coloradopass, rockymountainnationalpark, rockymountainnps, rockies, mountainroad, epicroadtrip


Continued from WEEK 1 and WEEK 2… The ocean-withdrawal gloom was heavy as we left the coast and climbed into the Sierras.  However, with their massive lodgepole pines and spotless white snowfields, we quickly remembered that there are many other beautiful places in our world other than the ocean.  The higher we got, the more […]

epicroadtrip, bigsur, ca, california, camperconversion, 4runnercamperconversion, 4runnercamper, toyota, 4runner, thule, nacemiento


Continued from WEEK 1… Saying good-byes Monday morning was tough as always with our friends, but we were excited to see the place that we had been hearing amazing things about for so long, Big Sur.  Due to the recent landslides, only a small portion of the park was accessible and we would need to […]

pacific, ca, california, swingset, playground

Epic Road Trip – Week 1

How do you prepare for a three-week road trip with a two-and-a-half-year-old?  With the help of my dad, Molly and I built out our 4Runner into a 4WD camper, spent countless hours dehydrating food, researching routes, purchasing gear, and booking hotel rooms. After a year of thinking, planning, discussing, and anticipating the trip was finally […]